Welcome to The Crosstik Program! * PROGRAM NOTES * This program will help you solve acrostic puzzles. An acrostic puzzle consists of a Quote and a list of Clues. The first letter in each clue word can be combined to form the actual acrostic phrase for the puzzle. This program provides a convenient and enjoyable way for you to solve your favorite acrostic puzzles. Simply enter the length of each quote word and the box numbers for each clue word and you are ready to go! On-line help is available at any time by pressing the [F1] key. This is a DOS program. To use it you will need one of the following: --a PC-compatible machine running DOS 3.3 (or higher) --a PC-compatible machine running OS/2 2.0 (or higher) --a machine that is capable of emulating DOS A mouse is not required but is a definite advantage. * THIS IS A SHAREWARE PROGRAM * This is a fully functional program that you may use for up to 30 days, free of charge. If you enjoy this program and continue to use it beyond those 30 days, it is requested that you send $10.00 to: Peter Kurrasch 2004 Glenwood Royal Oak, MI 48073-3032 Since the program will not remind you to register, I am depending on your honesty. More importantly, though, I am depending on your feedback. I have several ideas of ways to improve this program, but would like to know which features you like the most/least before I make drastic changes. You may freely distribute this program so long as the following four files are distributed together: CROSS2.EXE The Crosstik Program CROSS2.HLP Crosstik Help File CROSS2.TXT This readme file CRSORDER.FRM Crosstik Order Form Thank you, and enjoy The Crosstik Program!